Grapefruit jam
Apple and liquorice jam
Orange jam
The presence of various vitamins, mineral salts and other antioxidant substances gives clementines numerous properties and benefits.
Thanks to the presence of another antioxidant, naringin, clementines, as well as citrus fruits in general, can contribute to reducing cholesterol.
A portion of two clementines, equal to approximately 150 g, contains other interesting nutrients.
It regulates blood pressure and promotes diuresis by counteracting water retention and lowering the level of cholesterol in the blood. Clementine therefore has anti-flu, digestive, slimming, anti-diabetic, anticancer, relaxing, neuro-protective, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
Clementines which are rich in vitamins, especially Vitamin C.
Thanks to the high content of vitamin C and the presence of other antioxidants, clementines can help reduce acne-related redness and make the skin more toned and shiny. Furthermore, thanks to the presence of carotenoids, they can counteract skin aging.
Thanks to the presence of antioxidants and, in particular, hesperidin, clementines can improve vascular integrity and reduce vascular permeability.
Clementines, as well as several other citrus fruits, thanks to the presence of the antioxidant hesperidin, protect cells from oxidizing agents, reducing the risk of tumors and cardiovascular diseases.
Some animal and test-tube studies have hypothesized that narirutin, an antioxidant also found in clementines, may help improve mental health and potentially help treat Alzheimer’s disease. However, more research in humans is needed.
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